BMES Officer Roles and Responsibilities
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Executive Officer Positions
I. President
As Chief Executive of the organization, shall supervise the organization’s affairs, constantly review existing activities, and recommend improvements or eliminate those that do not advance the mission of the chapter. The President is the executive administrative, presiding, and reporting officer. The President shall be responsible for public relations, publicity, and promotion of the organization’s activities. The President will appoint a representative to the Joint Engineering Council at the university, if one exists, and will work with the Faculty Advisor and Society national office in all council and society matters.
II. Vice President Conference
Oversees the planning of the annual Bay Area Biomedical Device Conference and leads the execution of all activities supporting the conference. Duties involve planning and scheduling conference meetings and assigning tasks and responsibilities. Shall preside at all conference planning and keep track of all progress. The Vice President may be the appointed representative to the Joint Engineering Council. The Vice President’s primary responsibility will be conference planning and execution.
III. Vice President Events
Promotes the growth of the chapter and enrichment of members. Duties involve planning and scheduling chapter activities and leading the events committee. Shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President, shall also supervise membership promotion. The Vice President may be the appointed representative to the Joint Engineering Council. The Vice President’s primary responsibility will be program/activities planning and execution.
IV. Secretary
The Secretary shall be responsible for posting notices of all regular and special meetings and shall keep a permanent record (minutes) of such meetings. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a current roster of members and for timely communications with the Society national office. The Secretary will be responsible for maintaining a continuous Post Office Box address (or other permanent chapter address) and checking it frequently for correspondence. The Secretary is also responsible for completing the annual Chapter Development Report due June 1 to the BMES National Office.
V. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial records of the organization and for preparing an annual operating budget for funding from Associated Students. Also responsible for gathering all original receipts and supporting documentation needed for the disbursement of funds with the approval of the Faculty Advisor, and for reporting in detail to the membership at the beginning and end of every semester. The treasurer is also responsible for preparing a break even analysis and final financial report for the annual BABMD conference. The treasurer will supervise and manage the Campus Organization Account, the Associated Students annual funding, and review the status of the Tower Foundation account. Income will be received through income producing functions approved by the membership and Faculty Advisor.
Officer Positions
VI. Conference Committee
Vice President Conference — The Vice President Conference chairs this committee and manages all of its leads.
Associate Vice President of Conference — Acts as Vice President Conference's second-in-command and leads conference logistics.
Registration Lead — Supports the VP of Conference and attends all Conference Committee meetings. Manages the Conference Registrations, makes the process smooth and efficient.
Website Lead — Supports the VP of Conference and attends all Conference Committee meetings. Manages and updates the Conference website. Improves the visibility of the Conference through the website.
Marketing Lead — Supports the VP of Conference and attends all Conference Committee meetings. Manages and promotes new and existing marketing strategies. Improves the visibility of the conference to industry professionals, and students.
Communications Lead — Work closely with the VP to train volunteers and act as a Point of Contact for speakers, sponsors, and students
Food Lead — Supports the VP of Conference and attends all Conference Committee meetings. Collects information from the registrations and determines what foods would cater their needs. Supplies food to individuals before, during, and after the conference primarily for the conference.
Materials Lead — Supports the VP of Conference and attends all Conference Committee meetings. Purchases and designs all new and existing materials for the conference.
VII. Events Committee
Vice President Events - The Vice President Events chairs this committee and manages all of its leads.
Industry Lead – Supports the VP of Events and attends all Event Committee meetings. Researches opportunities of Industry tours, Industry Speakers, and other industry-related events.
Social Lead – Supports the VP of Events and attends all Event Committee meetings. Plans and organizes events to improve membership relations.
Professional Development Lead – Supports the VP of Events and attends all Event Committee meetings. Improves relations with industry with purpose of Professional Development.
Marketing Lead – Supports the VP of Events and attends all Events Committee meetings. Manages and promotes new and existing marketing strategies. Improves the visibility of each event to the appropriate audience.
VIII. Finance Committee
Treasurer - The Treasurer is the chair of the Finance Committee and manages all of its leads.
Clubroom Manager – Supports the Treasurer and attends all Finance Committee meetings. Creates plans and budgets for clubroom improvements which may include furniture, computers, artworks, and academic resources. The clubroom manager shall oversee the cleaning of the club room and regulate the club room to only SJSU BMES members. Purchases food items for the club room snack bar under the guidance of the Health and Fitness Chair.
Conference Finance Lead – Supports the Treasurer and attends all Finance Committee meetings. Regulates and eases the flow of money used for the conference. Creates financial reports.
Chapter Finance Lead – Supports the Treasurer and attends all Finance Committee meetings. Regulates and eases the flow of money used for miscellaneous activities outside the conference. Creates financial reports.
IX. Outreach Committee
Outreach Chair – Establish relations with other chapters, and schools to promote and educate others about our organization, university, and biomedical engineering.
Community College Lead - Supports the Chair of Outreach and attends all Outreach Committee meetings. Recruits students and faculty of San Jose State University who are willing to provide support to Community Colleges, and other schools that SJSUBMES mentors.
K-12 Lead - Supports the Chair of Outreach and attends all Outreach Committee meetings. Develops relations with primary schools, as well as participates in events to promote biomedical engineering.
X. Chapter Development Committee
Secretary - The chapter Secretary is the chair of the Chapter Development Committee and manages all of its leads.
Website Lead - Supports the Chair of Website and attends all Website Committee meetings. Collaborates with historian and updates website with event information.
Newsletter Lead – Supports the Chair of Website and attends all Website Committee meetings. Writes the newsletters and uploads them to the SJSU BMES main website.
Historian – Develops a memorial Photographs and writes blurbs for the current events. Collaborates closely with the newsletter and website lead to maintain continuity between years.
XI. BMEidea Committee
BMEidea Chair – Advises, motivates, and organizes BMEidea team leaders to stay on task. Participates in all BMEidea teams to help guide the committee as a whole.
BMEidea Team Leader – Leads a team to discover a biomedical need and develop a marketable and original invention. Oversees the entering of the invention in relevent engineering competitions.
XII. Mentorship Committee
Mentorship Chair – Matches mentee and mentor applicants based on compatibility for mutual learning. Plans and maintains activities that provides enough support for mentors to consistently mentor mentees.
Mentorship Co-Chair (2) – Supports the Mentorship chair in planning and marketting activities and events. Aids the chair in the collection of status reports and assignments from mentors.
XIII. Health and Fitness Committee
Health and Fitness Chair - Plans and markets health- and fitness-related activities such as racquetball, hiking, basketball, and volleyball. Oversees the purchasing of food items for the club room snack bar and society events to ensure they are compatible with the club's objective of advancing human health.
XIV. Membership Committee
Membership Chair - Maintains roster of SJSU BMES members and updates email lists. Schedules new member orientation sessions and ensures that new members are aware of club room resources and rules. Works in collaboration with the Alumni Lead to keep alumni members active in the SJSU BMES community.
Alumni Lead - Conducts outreach to SJSU BMES alumni in order to plan activities and events which promote learning among society members.